Hulu full gay movies

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The Half of It is available to stream on Netflix.īooksmart- High school seniors Amy ( Kaitlyn Dever) and Molly ( Beanie Feldstein) are best friends who have done everything right. Ellie will have to decide if she’s going to let her dream girl go or risk her new friendship with Paul by exposing herself as the true author of the love notes. Now Aster is falling for Paul, but she is really being wooed by Ellie’s words and ideas. The only problem is that Ellie and Paul both have the same crush: the pretty and popular Aster Flores ( Alexxis Lemire). In need of some extra cash, Ellie agrees to help out school football player, Paul Munsky ( Daniel Diemer), by writing love letters to his crush for him. It follows Ellie Chu ( Leah Lewis), a quiet, straight-A student who is perfectly content to quickly pass through her senior year, so she can head off to college.

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The Half of It -The Netflix original The Half of It is a queer coming-of-age film by director Alice Wu ( Saving Face).

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